
Two RNA-seq datasets were used to analyze differential expression among different tissues/organs within the K2 cultivar and across different mulberry accessions/species. In the first set, RNA-seq data from seven different tissues/organs of K2 cultivar, including leaf, root, stem, winter bud (DB), male inflorescence (MIN), female inflorescence (FINF), and fruit was used. In the second set, RNA-seq data from the leaf tissue of five different mulberry accessions/species, namely K2, V1, M. serrata, M. laevigata and M. notabilis was used for expression analysis. Tissue specificity of the mulberry genes was determined via calculation of tissue specificity index (TSI) using the FPKM data. The genes with TSI of at least 0.9 were considered to exhibit tissue-specific expression.


  • Different accession/species expression matrix: Excel (.xlsx)
  • DE genes across accessions: Excel (.xlsx)
  • Tissue expression matrix: Excel (.xlsx)
  • Tissue-specific genes: Excel (.xlsx)

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    Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
    This work is supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi