Genome Annotation:

To generate a de novo assembly of the cultivated Indian mulberry genome (M. indica L. cv K2), we used data generated from four different technologies, including short-read Illumina, long-read PacBio single-molecule real-time sequencing, chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C) and Bionano optical mapping. The final assembly was generated after optimization and implementing multiple steps of scaffolding. The final assembly of 505.3 Mb comprised of 365 sequences (50 super-scaffolds and 315 scaffolds) was generated. The overall average and N50 lengths of all the scaffolds were 18.8 Mb and 1.4 Mb, respectively. The longest scaffold size was ~32 Mb with 17 super-scaffolds of >10 Mb size. The top 10 super-scaffolds spanned more than half and 25 super-scaffolds represented >80% of the total assembly size. The genome annotation was performed using MAKER pipeline based on the de novo, homology-based and evidence-based predictions.


  • Genome Assembly v1.2: Fasta
  • Annotation GFF file: GFF
  • Predicted mRNAs: Fasta
  • Predicted proteins: Fasta

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    Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
    This work is supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi