
Simple sequence repeats for mono-nucleotide to hexa-nucleotide motifs were identified in the M. indica genome sequence using MIcroSAtellite perl script. A total of 21 accessions/species (RFS175, C176, S1, M. indica, BR-8, Punjab Local, Himachal Local, AGB-8, Assama Bola, S34, S146, S1635, DD, AR12, Thailand Male, S13, V1, M. rotundiloba, M. serrata, M. multicaulis and M. laevigata) were used for discovery of high-quality DNA polymorphisms (SNPs and InDels) among them.


  • Simple sequence repeats: Excel (.xlsx)
  • Overall SNPs: File (.txt)
  • Overall InDels: File (.txt)

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    Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
    This work is supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi